How to use MetaMask mobile to trade in PancakeSwap(Binance Smart Chain) & UniSwap (Ethereum Network).
3secs version, use the “browser” function within MetaMask mobile. See you~
Crypto had been a great attraction for investors to jump in for profit and I tend to make all the researching and trading with my laptop. However, in the mobile era, it’s important to make the trading on the go. Since I experience difficulties finding how to do the trading through MetaMask with my phone, i decide to write it down. As I said, there is 3sec version, just use the “browser” function to access it!!
If you are not that familiar with MetaMask, you will need to sync your wallet with your desktop MetaMask, and you need to setup different “Network” and “Wallet” in order to trade on different blockchain or assign different “Wallet” to different Dapp(sites). Note that same “Wallet” address can work on different “Network”, but it will only show the assets in that specific “Network”.
The MetaMask mobile in my experience didn’t always show the right amount of assets, it sometimes need time to refresh to show correct assets on “Ethereum” Network. It is even worse in other blockchain like Binance Smart Chain, but once you connected to a Dapp(site), usually it’s corrected.
- Once open MetaMask, select correct “Network” from “Wallet” region(actually to select Network here, nothing relates to the “Wallet” function). By default, it will be “Ethereum Main Network” which is the most popular blockchain. If you want to switch to different “Network”, you need to start from here.
2. On the drop down menu, you could switch “Wallet” between different “Wallet” and you need to use “Browser” to go to the website that you intend to trade on.
3. Use the “Browser” function to access website, then it will be able to connect to your wallet to make trades. Default at MetaMask present several sites and divide into different groups folders already, and you can search the one you want in search bar to add new sites. For example, “PancakeSwap” at Binance Smart Chain (BSC) is not listed, so I can search here and save to “Favorites” for a later trade. Same as other websites, as you saw I also save “StableX Swap”(which is like stable coin AMM at Binance Smart Chain) into my “Favorites”. Be noted that some website might not be functioning correctly as they did in laptop, but most of websites should be compatible with the mobile version of MetaMask. As of UniSwap, yes it’s in the “Decentralized exchanges” folder!! Connect through this way, then you will be able to trade on your phone on the go!! Of course, you need to make sure you sync your laptop first. :)
That’s it. Once you did it once, you will never forget how to use MetaMask mobile to make a trade.